VITO actively pursues joint innovation trajectories around specific themes. Our partners can be companies, governments or knowledge partners, both within Flanders and beyond.

Organisations in which VITO plays an important substantive and operational role.

Specialised in advanced sustainable energy research and smart energy systems – such as smart grids and advanced heating networks – for industry and cities, EnergyVille wants to become the reference point for renewable energy as a partnership between VITO, KU Leuven, imec and UHasselt.

The Flemish Knowledge Center Water (Vlakwa), an independent department of VITO since 1 January 2016, encourages the cooperation between the various (water) actors in Flanders to achieve one single Flemish water programme, and this in view of the large strategic, industrial and social importance of water in Flanders.


In order to valorise our expertise into technologies, products and services that are really useful for society, we are looking for partners who explicitly profile themselves in a particular theme from their social or economic task. 

CIRCULAR FLANDERS is the hub and inspiration for the circular economy in Flanders. It is a partnership of governments, companies, civil society and the knowledge community that take action together.

InnoEnergy is the European company dedicated to promoting innovation, entrepreneurship and education in the sustainable energy field by bringing together academics, businesses and research institutes. Our goal is to make a positive impact on sustainable energy in Europe. We do this by creating future game changers with a different mind-set, and bringing innovative products, services and successful companies to life..

KIC Raw Materials, initiated by the EIT (European Institute of Innovation and Technology) and funded by the European Commission, brings together research centres and companies to stimulate innovation and entrepreneurship with regard to raw materials.

VITO, TNO and ECN are working together in the Shared Research Centre Biorizon. This research centre is working on technological development for the production of aromatics from biomass together with the industry. Aromatics are one of the most important building blocks for the chemical industry. By replacing fossil raw materials with biomass, Biorizon makes an important contribution to the realization of a sustainable economy.

Together with the University of Antwerp VITO launched the Centre for Proteomics (CFP) in 2009. The goal: combining all the expertise required for multidisciplinary, translational proteomic research. Today the research team focuses mainly on the early detection of certain cancers. It wants to unravel the mechanisms behind cancer development, which can provide new targets for the development of new therapies and for the classification of subtypes of cancer, to enable more targeted therapy in the future.

EIT Climate-KIC is a Knowledge and Innovation Community (KIC), working to accelerate the transition to a zero-carbon economy.Supported by the European Institute of Innovation and Technology, we identify and support innovation that helps society mitigate and adapt to climate change. We believe that a decarbonised, sustainable economy is not only necessary to prevent catastrophic climate change, but presents a wealth of opportunities for business and society.

Priority clusters

Partnerships between companies, knowledge centres and government (triple-helix), which develop and implement an ambitious long-term strategy and competitiveness programme.

Flux50 is a partnership between the Flemish government, the research community and the industry to make Flanders a ‘smart energy region’. Flanders wants to be a region where production and consumption of renewable energy are cleverly coordinated. The driving forces behind the project are Smart Grids Flanders, Voka, Agoria, VCB, Pixxii Knowledge Platform Energy Neutral Building, Living Tomorrow, EnergyVille, UGent and iMinds.

SIM – Strategic Initiative Materials in Flanders – supports the growth of innovative players from the Flemish materials sector. SIM wants to further reinforce Flanders’ strong position as a materials hotspot and thus strengthen the competitive position of the materials industry in Flanders.

Catalisti must stimulate sustainable innovations in chemistry and plastics by setting up intensive partnerships. Not only cooperation between the triple helix partners, but also cooperation between the various subsectors such as (basic) chemistry, plastics, biotechnology, and finally also cooperation between companies.

VIL is appointed by the Flemish government as the single point of contact for the logistics sector. Our goal is to create economic and social value for companies. VIL represents more than 500 companies and works along leading strategic partners and a network at home and abroad. 

Flanders' Food is a unique strategy-driven platform that contributes to a more competitive, innovative and sustainable agro-food industry by innovation. Flanders' FOOD enhances the innovative power of the target group by raising scientific and technological knowledge, uses an integrated approach and in this way contributes to the economic and societal development of Flanders.

De Blauwe Cluster / the Blue Cluster is an independent and neutral partner that supports Flemish companies in creating partnerships with other companies, knowledge centers and governmental agencies to develop and promote economic activities at sea. We facilitate the innovation process throughout the entire chain, from idea generation up to (international) marketing.